I'm too tired to model, so let's do some planning. All of the photos I collected are now in a binder and one thing I need to do is to come up with a list of details to put inside the Doctor's office. My plan is to scratchbuild most of them. We'll just look at each picture and write down what we see.
Dr.'s Office Contents - Uncut
- Eye chart
- Roll top desk
- Rolling chair
- Patient chair
- Exam table
- Glass cabinet for medical books
- Wall telephone box
- Magnifying glass
- Small stove
- Kettle
- Clock
- Skeleton on hanger
- Cabinet for tools - glass
- Cabinet for medicines - wood
- Doctor's bag
- Medicine bag
- Lunch basket
- Coat rack w/ hat & coat
- Jars with bandages, cotton balls, etc
- Oil lamp(s)
- Dental chair
- Medicine bottles
- Mortar & pestle
- Scales - balance
- Crutches
- Picture of Hippocrates
- Water bowl and towels for hand cleaning
- Patient
- Doctor Banks
- Balance scale for people weight
- Diploma in frame
- Candle
- Doctor's instruments
- Patient screen
- Whiskey
The roll top desk will be a focal point, as will the exam table and curtain. I expect to make the lamps really work using fiber optics. Many of the details might have to be attached to the wall or floor before assembly.
Finding a Doctor might be harder than I thought, at least the white coated kind. Naturally I checked out Arttista at http://www.arttista.com/ first. I also sent a note to my friend Alan Pollock at Fun & Games (The People People) to see if he has them. We'll see what they both come back with. Probably post it on the On30 Conspiracy Yahoo Group as well.
Blue Mountain contacted me off line, but they don't have a doctor. In fact, nobody seems to have a doctor! What's up with that? Ok, time to get out the carving tools and make a greenie. I hate carving figures, but this one is too key to the model. I need the practice anyway.
I love this building.Great job on the constructon.