When you enter Rick Wade's very nice train room you see the Richlawn Railroad printed on the glass above the double doors. Wow! Nice touch!
The first thing that grabs you is a large and sprawling city that is detailed to an extremly high level with lights, people and details, details, details.
I love the Louisville & Nashville, mostly because my grandfather retired with 50 years of service from the L&N. Seems Rick likes it, too!
Here is a fantastic really large timber trestle that will be completed and installed on the layout very soon.
The roundhouse's turntable has been removed with the aid of jack hammers and the newer engine servicing facility is seeing diesels on a daily basis. In the background you hear the sounds of the shop with lathes, drills, hammers and other tools.
Here the L&N rumbles by the busy town...
Rick's scenery is plaster over cardboard in most places, and the large mountains are preformed with wire fencing.
The etched brass wrought iron fencing is spectacular and every detail is in the right place.
That's Rick to the left with the coffee, Coalfinger Ken and Packrat Paul.
The Rexall Drug Store has a lot of new business now that they have put in the fancy lighted sign.
Rick was kind enough to open up his layout to the group on a Saturday morning in the first of what we believe is going to be a regular monthly field trip. Neil Thomas's Diamond River Layout is next and that's him to the right taking a picture.
Here you can see the distant mountains that are about an inch off the wall in the back. This gives them tremendous depth. Added to that is the N-scale scene that towers over the HO scale town in the valley. Rick is a master of forced perspective.
While there is a lot completed, there is more to go. The popsicle sticks support an acetate "fence" to keep errant locomotives from taking the short trip to the repair shop. Apparently these were put in one brass locomotive too late. Great idea! Especially for hidden track.
Here you can see the crash fence a little more clearly.
Thanks Rick!
Wow! Great setup, its the best I've seen in a long time. Great work you guy's, very life like with the skies. Great blog!